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Commissioners' Agenda for Monday, September 28, 2020

  8:30 AM   Proclamation - 4-H Week - Doug Keenan
                                        Domestic Violence Awareness - Erik Murray
                  Minutes  Sept 14 and Sept 22
                  Old Business - Agriflite approval
                  New Business - Johnson Controls - Courthouse and South Complex
                                         Kone - disable chair lifts
                                         Vote center approval
                                         Business permit letter

  9:00 AM   Hwy
                         Public Hearing speed ordinance
                         Bids for Highway renovation

  9:30 AM   Building update

10:00 AM   Shellie Coney - radio equipment

10:30 AM   Home Detention contract - Danyel Wagner

11:00 AM   Drainage

        Noon   Jen Grawcock - lunch


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