Welcome to the Noble County Treasurer’s Office

Natasha CampBell
Noble County Treasurer
109 N York St
Albion, IN 46701

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 4:00PM

Holiday Closings (PDF)

View your property information and tax bills here. 

Tax Sale will be held on October 2nd, 2023 at 10:00 AM in the Dekko Room at the South Complex 2090 N St Rd 9 Albion, IN 46701. See list of properties eligible for the 2023 tax sale


For more information on tax sale properties visit SRI Tax Sale System.



Penalties are applied to all unpaid balances after the due dates. Unpaid taxes and penalties may be subject to tax sale (Real Estate) or collections (Personal Property/Mobile Homes).

Spring Installment due May 10, 2023

Fall Installment due November 13, 2023

Payment Options:

GovPayments (Payment Plan options available)
Phone: 260-908-9851

Mail Check/Money Order to & Drop Box located at:
Noble County Treasurer's Office
109 N York St Albion, IN 46701.
Post office mark by the due date is considered on time. DO NOT MAIL CASH.


SPLITSPlease notify us if you are paying on a property that was part of a split. A split tax bill can be figured by the auditor's office.



BE SURE ALL TAXES HAVE BEEN PAID BEFORE PURCHASING A MOBILE HOME. If title work is not complete, the previous owner will continue to be billed until new ownership is shown on title. The owner of record at the BMV may request a new title for a small fee. If you are not the current owner of record, you will have to file for a lost title through the courts.

1)   ALL taxes must be paid in order for the Treasurer's office to complete a permit.

2)   Supply the BMV with the permit to transfer ownership on the title.

3)   Provide a copy of your new title to the Assessor’s office. The Auditor’s office will also need a copy to receive any qualifying exemptions.


EXEMPTIONS – Contact the Auditor’s Office 260-636-2658

ASSESSMENTS – Contact the Assessor’s Office 260-636-2297

DRAINAGE/DITCH ASSESSMENTS - Contact the Surveyor’s Office 260-636-2131