The mission of the Noble County Probation Department and Noble County Community Corrections is to increase public safety through the reduction of criminal activity and recidivism utilizing evidence-based practices to provide the most comprehensive and effective correctional supervision of offenders.
General Information
Click here to access Probation / Community Corrections forms.
Noble County has a combined Probation and Community Corrections department, which provides for a unified approach to all types of community supervision in Noble County.
Under the Probation division, Officers provide supervision for both adult and juvenile offenders who are serving a suspended sentence and ordered to probation by the Courts.
Adult Probation Officers are responsible for monitoring offenders and making sure they are in compliance with their Court ordered terms of supervision. Adult Officers also write Pre-Sentence Investigations and other duties as required by the Courts. All Officers are Court Substance Abuse Management Specialists and are highly training in evidence-based practices to facilitate behavior change.
Juvenile Probation Officers are responsible for the supervision of juvenile delinquents and status offenders. The Officers work closely with the local schools and Division of Family and Children to provide evidence-based, quality supervision and assistance to the youth who come into contact with our criminal justice system.
The Noble County Community Corrections Program is a division of the Noble County Probation Department. The Community Corrections Director is also an Assistant Chief Probation Officer. The Community Corrections program is overseen by the Community Corrections Advisory Board.
Noble County Community Corrections offers alternative sentencing options for the Courts in Noble County. These alternatives include:
Work Release with GPS monitoring: Offenders are housed in the Work Release dorm of the Noble County Jail and are allowed to leave the jail to work. These offenders are required to wear a GPS anklet as well.
Work Release: Offenders are housed in the Work Release dorm of the Noble County Jail and are allowed to leave the jail to work.
Home Detention with GPS monitoring: Offenders serve jail sentences in their homes while they are tethered to ankle bracelets for Electronic Monitoring. GPS (Global Positioning) monitoring is used to keep closer tabs on more serious offenders.
Day Reporting: Offenders who are successful on a stricter community corrections program can earn their way to Day Reporting which is supervision without a GPS anklet.
Problem-Solving Courts: Noble County offers a Drug Court and Veteran’s Court for those offenders who meet the eligibility criteria.
Noble County Community Corrections also offers the following programs to the Courts:
Pretrial Services: Defendants are assessed for their likelihood to appear at all court hearings and if they are a safety concern to the community. If ordered, they are supervised by Community Corrections staff while out on bond pending the disposition of their case.
Alcohol Monitoring: Offenders or defendants are placed on Constant Alcohol Monitoring (CAM) or Remote Breath random breathalyzer.
Community Transition Program: Offenders may be released from prison under home detention supervision as part of a coordinated reentry.
Community Service: Offenders complete community service hours ordered by the courts as part of their reparations to the community for their offense.
Court Alcohol and Drug Program: Defendants and/or offenders complete drug and alcohol assessments with a Court Substance Abuse Management Specialist. The results of the assessment are used to make recommendations for services and treatment.
The Problem-Solving Courts and Court Alcohol and Drug Program are certified through the Indiana Office of Court Services. The Pretrial Supervision program is in the process of becoming certified through the Indiana Office of Court Services at this time. Noble County Community Corrections as a whole, undergoes an annual site visit by the Indiana Department of Correction.
Contact Us
Community Corrections Office
104 W. Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
- Phone:(260) 636-2900
- Home Detention Phone: (260) 636-3327
- Fax: (260) 636-4002
- Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:00 pm