Reporting Errors found in Beacon

Every effort is made to make sure information presented in Beacon is accurate. However, since information displayed in Beacon is maintained by various county offices, errors may occur.To report errors in Beacon, use the Feedback button located in the upper right-hand corner of the Beacon application.

If you have a parcel map issue, please be aware that in order to correct identifiable problems, the Auditor's Office may need to perform extensive research. The Auditor's Office will assist those requiring help with researching activities. The Auditor's Office will research parcel map issues when time permits. The Auditor’s Office may require the land owner(s) to have prepared and recorded a new legal description and/or new survey to correct legal description ambiguities. Some problem parcel issues may not be resolved unless a new legal description and/or survey are prepared and recorded. Questions regarding requirements for fixing problem parcels can be answered by the Noble County Auditor’s Office.

Please feel free to report errors in person or by phone. The GIS Department is located on the 4th floor of the historic Noble County Courthouse in Albion, IN. The GIS Dept. is managed by the GIS Coordinator:


Steven Hook
101 North Orange St
Courthouse, 4th Floor
Albion, IN 46701

Phone: 260-636-1293, Ext. 5201
Fax: 260-636-4001

Office Hours:

Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A final option for reporting errors and/or comments is to use the Contact Us Form found under Contact Information.