
Learn about Noble County's Recreation and Attractions

The Noble County GIS Department has developed story maps showing Noble County's recreational assets and local attractions. Links to these two story maps can be found on the home page of the Noble County, IN government website under Maps and Property.  Each story map displays a picture of a locaton with information about the location and a link to a website to learn more.  Check these websites out to learn more about what Noble County, IN has to offer.


Noble Tomorrow Steering Committee - Public Meeting 9-20-17

On Wednesday September 20, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the Dekko Room of the Noble County South Complex (2090 N SR 9, Albion, IN) the Noble Tomorrow Steering Committee will host a Public Meeting to discuss the Existing Conditions for Noble County. Light refreshments will be provided. All are invited to attend and discuss the current conditions of Noble County in preparation of our new comprehensive plan, Noble Tomorrow.
Noble County and the communities of Albion, Avilla, Cromwell, Ligonier, and Rome City are working on a new Comprehensive Plan, Noble Tomorrow. The Noble County Plan Commission is leading this effort to collaborate between communities and determine their futures and how their governments can best serve their residents.

Noble Trails 5K Event

The Noble Trails inaugural 5K Run/Walk fundraising event is scheduled at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 29, 2017. This is the Kick Off event for Noble Trails fund drive through the month of May. Funds will be used to continue paving a pedestrian/bike trail connecting Kendallville and Rome City. Nearly half of this 5K will take place on the completed section of the Fishing Line Trail south of the Gene Stratton Porter Historic Site in Rome City.

Use this link to connect to the the Noble Trails website to learn more information and to fill out a registration form. Please contact Terry Gaff, Noble Trails Board President, for additional information.

There will also be an informational meeting regarding Noble Trails progress thus far and more information shared on the planned May Fund Drive at Parkview Noble Hospital’s Hunter Meeting Room on Wed. April 19 at 7PM with coffee and refreshments provided. Be sure to mark your calendars.


2017 Take a Stroll Saturdays

For the third year, the Noble County Parks and Recreations Board is sponsoring hiking events throughout the summer.  While the weather did not cooperate during 2016, this year we have put in a special request for nice weather at each of our events.


The purpose behind our "Take a Stroll Saturdays" is to promote the recreational facilities that Noble County contains, but which may be unfamiliar with many of the residents of the County.  For a nice map of the recreational assets in the County, check out our recreational, attractions, and restaurant maps.


The "Take a Stroll Saturday" events will take place on the fourth Saturday of each month from May to October.  Events begin at 9:00 a.m.  As we finalize details for each event, we will continue to share them with you.  Plus, download our flyer now for the scheduled dates and preliminary details.


Until May, we hope that you can find a chance to Take a Stroll on your own.


Noble County Parks Board has new Web Site

The Noble County Parks Board invites the public to visit the newly updated Noble County Parks and Recreation website. Use the link below to go directly to it.


The Noble County Parks Board has plans for six Take a Stroll Saturdays events in 2017. Learn more about these opportunites to get out and enjoy nature in Noble County.