Last Updated on February 10, 2014.
The following 37 layers are available for viewing in Beacon. Each layer is described below in the order they appear in the Layers module.
- Street Centerlines - Map features representing the centerline of roads maintained by State, County, or municipal entities. Roads visible on aerial orthophotography have been placed on the map by digitizing them directly from the aerial orthophotography. Roads that are associated with newer developments not visible on the most recent aerial orthophotography have been placed on the map by centering them within the designated right-of-way. Features are labeled with there designated road name.
- Hwy Shields - Layer displaying US and State road shield labels.
- State Highways - Map features representing the centerline of roads maintained by the State of Indiana. Features are labeled with its designated road name. Features include SR 109, SR 205, SR 3, SR 5, SR 8, and SR 9.
- US Highways - Map features representing the centerline of roads maintained by the State of Indiana. Features are labeled with its designated road name. Features include US 6 and US 33.
- Control Points - Map features representing the location of section corner monuments and other reference points used for survey control managed by the Noble County Surveyor’s Office. Features are not labeled.
- Land Hooks - Map graphic symbols showing two noncontiguous parcels are associated with one another. Features are not labeled.
- Legal Drains-Tiled - Map features representing the centerline of county regulated tiled drains maintained by the Noble County Surveyor’s Office. Map features are drawn on the map from available tile legal descriptions and aerial orthophotography observations. Features are labeled with its designated drainage system branch name.
- Legal Drains-Open - Map features representing the centerline of county regulated open drains (ditches) maintained by the Noble County Surveyor’s Office. Map features are drawn on the map from available tile legal descriptions and aerial orthophotography observations. Features are labeled with its designated drainage system branch name.
- Rights of Way - Map features representing the documented legal width of road easements listed in the gravel books in the Noble County Highway Department and recorded deeds and subdivision plats in the Noble County Recorder’s Office. Various right-of-way easements may not be documented. When no documentation is available, a right-of-way width of 40 feet is assumed. Features are not labeled.
- Cemeteries - Map features representing cemeteries that able to be mapped. Cemetery locations were referenced from the Noble County Cemeteries pamphlet prepared by the Noble County Genealogical Society, Inc., 813 E Main St, Albion, IN 46701, 260-636-7197. This layer contains approximately 51 cemeteries. Information is provided detailing ownership, location, acreage, and miscellaneous notes. This layer features a Quick Zoom drop down box on the menu bar. This allows one to pick a cemetery from the list and Beacon will zoom to the selected cemetery.
- Parcel Numbers - An 18-digit State Key parcel identification number (PIN) used for uniquely identifying every parcel within Noble County. This is the primary numbering system used for identifying parcels in county offices. This layer allows the user to display parcel numbers independent of the parcel geometry (parcel boundary lines). The 18-digit State Key PIN is made up of the following parts: (2 digit County Code; 57 for Noble County) – (2 digit Township Number) – (2 digit Section Number) – (3 digit Quadrant Number) – (3 digit Parcel Number) . (3 digit Class Number; usually 000 for Noble County) – (3 digit Tax District Number). For example, the following PIN, 57-07-01-300-020.000-019, is in: Wayne Twp (07), Section 1 (01), 300 Quadrant (300), parcel number 020 (020), class number of 000 (000), and Wayne township taxing district (019).
- Parcels (Assessor) - Map features representing the location of taxable parcels of land, defined by a series of measured straight or curved lines that connect to form an enclosed space (polygon). Parcel boundaries have been drawn on the map from deeds, surveys, and subdivision plats recorded in the Noble County Recorder’s Office. This layer provides parcel land ownership, assessment, and tax information residing in the Noble County Assessor’s, Auditor’s, and Treasurer's Offices. Use this layer to identify and view a parcel’s land ownership, assessment, and tax information in Beacon’s Report tab. Feature labels—a parcel’s unique 18-digit State Key number—reside on the Parcel Numbers layer.
- Parcels (Surveyor) - Map features representing the location of taxable parcels of land, defined by a series of measured straight or curved lines that connect to form an enclosed space (polygon). Parcel boundaries have been drawn on the map from deeds, surveys, and subdivision plats recorded in the Noble County Recorder’s Office. This layer provides parcel land ownership and drainage information residing in the Noble County Surveyor’s Office. Use this layer to identify and view land ownership and drainage information in Beacon’s Report tab. Feature labels—a parcel’s unique 18-digit State Key number—reside on the Parcel Numbers layer.
- Lots - Map features representing the location of lots identified on platted and recorded subdivision documents found in the Noble County Recorder’s Office. Features are labeled with its corresponding lot number.
- Blocks - Map features representing the location of groups of lots identified on platted and recorded subdivision documents found in the Noble County Recorder’s Office.
- Railroads - Map features representing the centerline of railroad rights-of-way. Features have been drawn based on railroad route evaluation maps and from legal descriptions of adjacent parcels. Features are not labeled.
- Subdivisions - Map features representing the boundary of an area that has been legally divided into a number of lots for the purpose of development and sale. Features are labeled with the recorded plat name. This layer features a Quick Zoom drop down box on the menu bar. This allow one to pick a subdivision name from the list and Beacon will zoom to the selected subdivision.
- Quarter-Quarters - Map features representing the quarter divisions of quarter divisions of sections of the United States Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Each section (approximately 1 square mile in size) is divided into quarters and labeled as the northeast quarter (NE), southeast quarter (SE), southwest quarter (SW), and northwest quarter (NW). Each quarter section is further subdivided into quarter sections and, using the NE quarter for example, would be labeled as such: NE quarter of the NE quarter (NE4 NE4), SE quarter of the NE quarter (SE NE), SW quarter of the NE quarter (SW NE), and the NW quarter of the NE quarter (NW NE).
- Quarter Sections - Map features representing the quarter divisions of sections of the United States Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Each section (approximately 1 square mile in size) is divided into quarters and labeled as the northeast quarter (NE), southeast quarter (SE), southwest quarter (SW), and northwest quarter (NW).
- USPLS Sections - Features representing approximate 1 square mile areas and being part of the United States Public Land Survey system (PLSS). Features are labeled with the section number.
- Voting Precincts - Features representing 29 bounded areas where people are designated to vote within Noble County. Voting Precincts are maintained by the Noble County Clerk’s Office. Features are labeled with the precinct number.
- TIF Districts - Tax increment finance (TIF) Districts are areas of bounded parcels established in Noble County cities and towns where collected tax proceeds (known as "increment") collected above an established assessment value are re-allocated to the TIF district to pay for capital improvements required for encouraging redevelopment. Once a TIF district is established the property tax revenue attributable to new assessed value within the district accrues to the redevelopment district rather than the traditional taxing units (schools, civil city, township, county etc). The new revenue can be used to pay for infrastructure or other improvements within the designated area. Typically, TIF revenue is used to retire debt incurred to fund infrastructure or other improvements but it has also been used on a cash basis. While the vast majority of TIF districts in Indiana incur debt, many communities have used any additional TIF revenue beyond that necessary for bond service to make further infrastructure investment in the TIF district. TIF districts are temporary and were intended to be discontinued once tax revenues collected repay bonds purchased to pay for redevelopment. This layer may not reflect all existing TIF Districts. They will be added as time permits. Source: Tax Increment Financing.PDF
- Drug Enforcement Boundaries - This layer replaces the previously named layer "Albion Drug Enforcement Boundary." Features representing 1000 foot buffered areas surrounding designated facilities and locations where children may be present. These boundaries include areas within the entire county. The features are not labeled.
- Jurisdictions - Features representing approximately 2 mile bounded areas controlled by and surrounding an incorporated city or town. Areas outside the 2 mile unincorporated areas are controlled by the county. Jurisdictions for incorporated areas include Albion, Avilla, Cromwell, Kendallville, Ligonier, Rome City, and Wolcottville. Unincorporated areas are portions of the county lying outside of the incorporated areas. Features are labeled with the jurisdiction name.
- Survey Townships - Features representing areas approximately 6 square miles in size that contain 36—1 square mile sections. Townships are part of the United States Public Land Survey system (PLSS). Features are not labeled on the map; but, when a feature is queried it is listed with its township and range designation (i.e., T35N, R11E).
- Corporate Limits - Features representing bounded areas designated as an incorporated town or city. Incorporated areas include Albion, Avilla, Cromwell, Kendallville, Ligonier, Rome City, and Wolcottville. Features are labeled with the city or town name.
- Township Boundaries - Features representing political subdivisions of the county. In Noble County, the political township boundaries cover the same geographical areas designated as survey townships, except for Albion township and parts of Jefferson and York townships.
- Soils - Features representing bounded areas of types of soils as designated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States Department of Agriculture soil survey. The soils layer depicts 2006 soils updates. Features are labeled with the soil’s map unit (MUSYM) code. Information on the NRCS soils survey can be obtained at
- Flood Plains - Noble County Flood Plains are a subset of the Interim Digital FIRMSs (2004) obtained from and digitized by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. This data has not been accepted by FEMA and is intended for general use only. These files should not be used for official flood insurance determination purposes. This database is an interim version of the Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database. It does not fully meet all DFIRM specifications as found in "Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Appendix L: Guidance for Preparing Draft Digital Data and DFIRM Database". A fully compliant product is expected in the distant future.
The DFIRM depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The primary risk classifications used are the 1- percent-annual-chance flood event, the 0.2-percent-annual-chance flood event, and areas of minimal flood risk. The DFIRM Database is derived from Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), previously published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), flood hazard analyses performed in support of the FISs and FIRMs, and new mapping data, where available. The FISs and FIRMs are published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The file is georeferenced to earth's surface using the UTM projection and coordinate system. The specifications for the horizontal control of DFIRM data files are consistent with those required for mapping at a scale of 1:12,000. - Watersheds Group - Features representing bounded areas whose water drains into a specified body of water. Watersheds are areas defined by the Noble County Surveyor’s Office established to provide maintenance funds for drainage projects within each watershed. This group contains 5 individual watershed layers showing sub-levels of watersheds. Watersheds are separated into sub-levels to assist with viewing purposes.
- Spot Elevations - Features representing known points of elevation above sea level. Elevation points were created in April 2003 from LiDAR. The vertical datum used was NAVD88; the GEOID99 geoidal model was used for converting GPS--derived ellipsoidal heights to the required orthometric heights. Coordinate system used was the Indiana State Plane Coordinate System; U.S. Survey feet.Vertical accuracy is +/- 1 foot. Features labeled with their elevation number.
- 2 ft Contours-2003 - Features representing lines connecting points of equal elevation above sea level. Contour lines were created in 2003 from LiDAR. The horizontal datum used was NAD83. Coordinate system used was the Indiana State Plane Coordinate System, U.S. Survey feet. Vertical accuracy is +/- 1 foot. Features labeled with their elevation number.
- Water Body Names - Features representing water bodies known by a particular name. Some water bodies are considered private and are not accessible to the public. Other water bodies are accessible to the public via public access sites. For a listing of county lakes and boat launches, visit the Noble County Convention and Visitors Bureau web site at
- Historical Markers - Feature points representing the location of historical marker signs placed by the Noble County Historical Society. The historical marker signs identify and mark all the historic sites in Noble County, Indiana. Visit the Noble County Historical Society web site at
- Zoning Group - Features representing bounded geographic areas restricted to certain land uses located within governmental jurisdictions. Features are labeled with its zoning code.
The Zoning layer's group contains zoning codes that may have different meanings for each jurisdiction. Please consult with the controlling jurisdiction about the meaning of the zoning label found on the map and to check for zoning changes that may have occurred.
The Zoning group contains the following 9 layers. - 2003 Aerial Photos - Photography of the earth’s surface taken from an airplane. The aerial photography purchased by the county from Sanborn and flown in April 2003, has been corrected for distortions caused by camera tilt and ground relief; therefore, the aerial photographs are considered orthophotographs useful for measuring features on the ground. No labels are present.
- 2008 Aerial Photos - Photography of the earth’s surface taken from an airplane. The aerial photography, flown in April 2008, is being licensed through Pictometry, Inc. The photography has been corrected for distortions caused by camera tilt and ground relief; therefore, the aerial photographs are considered orthophotographs useful for measuring features on the ground. No labels are present.
Township Numbers
13 - Albion Township
09 - Allen Township
03 - Elkhart Township
20 - Green Township
12 - Jefferson Township
19 - Noble Township
04 - Orange Township
01 - Perry Township
16 - Sparta Township
21 - Swan Township
18 - Washington Township
07 - Wayne Township
15 - York Township
Tax District Numbers
001 - Albion Township
002 - Albion Town
022 - Albion-Jefferson
003 - Allen Township
005 - Avilla Town
016 - Cromwell Town
006 - Elkhart Township
007 - Green Township
008 - Jefferson Township
004 - Kendallville-Allen
020 - Kendallville-Wayne
014 - Ligonier City
009 - Noble Township
010 - Orange Township
013 - Perry Township
011 - Rome City
015 - Sparta Township
017 - Swan Township
018 - Washington Township
019 - Wayne Township
012 - Wolcottville Town
021 - York Township
FEMA Flood Zone Designations
A - High Risk Area. Areas with a 1 percent annual chance of flooding and a 26 percent chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage. Because a detailed analyses are not performed for such areas, no depths or base flood elevations are shown within these zones.
AE - High Risk Area. The base floodplain where base flood elevations are provided. AE Zones are now used on new format FIRMs instead of A1-A30 Zones.
X - (shaded) Area of moderate flood hazard, usually the area between the limits of the 100-year and 500-year floods.
X - (unshaded) Area of minimal flood hazard, usually depicted on FIRMs as above the 500-year flood level.
Sub-Watershed Layers
Watershed-Sub - This layer shows watersheds at the lowest sub-level. These sheds are smaller in size and may drain into watersheds on any of the other sub-levels.
Watershed-Sectional - This layer shows watersheds that collect drainage assessments payable to adjacent counties.
Watershed-Local - This layer shows watersheds that may drain into watersheds on the county sub-level.
Watershed-County - This layer shows county-wide watersheds that have sub-sheds within their boundaries.This level contains the most watersheds.
Watershed-Regional - This layer shows the proposed regional Elkhart River watershed.
Zoning Layers
Zoning-County - Rural parts of the county controlled by the Noble County Plan Commission.
Zoning Codes:
OS - Open Space and Conservation
A1 - Production Agricultural
A2 - Agricultural Commercial
A3 - Intense Agricultural
RE - Rural Estate
R1 - Low Density Single-Family Residential
R2 - Medium Density Single-Family Residential
R3 - Village Residential
R4 - Multiple-Family Residential
R5 - High Density Multiple-Family Residential
LR - Lake Residentual
MH - Manufactured Home Residential
IS - Institutional
VM - Village Mixed Use
C1 - Neighborhood Commercial
C2 - General Commercial
C3 - Highway Commercial
I1 - Low Intensity Industrial
I2 - High Intensity Industrial
HI - High Impact
Zoning-Albion - The town of Albion and the approximate 2-mile area lying outside of Albion's corporate limits.
Zoning-Avilla - The town of Avilla and the approximate 2-mile area lying outside of Avilla's corporate limits.
Zoning-Cromwell - The town of Cromwell and the approximate 2-mile area lying outside of Cromwell's corporate limits.
Zoning-Kendallville - The city of Kendallville and the approximate 2-mile area lying outside of Kendallville's corporate limits.
Click this link to view the definitions of zoning codes displayed on this layer in Beacon.
Zoning-Ligonier - The city of Ligonier and the approximate 2-mile area lying outside of Ligonier's corporate limits.
Zoning-Rome City - The city of Rome City and the approximate 2-mile area lying outside of Rome City's corporate limits.
Zoning-Wolcottville - The town of Wolcottville.
Proposed Zoning Changes (Per Section) - Added for the Noble County Plan Commission's proposed zoning changes per the proposed Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), Draft E.
Click this link to view the definitions of zoning codes displayed on this layer in Beacon.