Friday, February 18, 2011
2:00 PM Or Immediately after Executive Session - Payroll & Items Pending Only
2:00 PM Or Immediately after Executive Session - Payroll & Items Pending Only
8:30 AM Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business - Payroll Approval for Next Week
9:00 AM Mick Newton - Claim Approval
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:00 AM Dr. Terry Gaff - Board of Health Clinic
10:30 AM Sheriff Doug Harp - Sheriff's Cars
11:00 AM Prosecutor Steve Clouse - Agreement
11:30 AM Greg Parker, Council on Aging - Approval to Spend Stimulus Money
1:30 PM Drainage Board
8:30 AM Drainage Board
9:00 AM Payroll, Claims, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:00 AM Kim Gephart - 2011 Trending Contract
10:30 AM Dave Baum - Information Technology Discussion
11:00 AM John Bry, Visitor's Bureau
11:30 AM Steve Hook - GIS and CEDIT Money
8:30 AM Executive Session
9:00 AM Claims, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:15 AM Candy Myers, Clerk - Storage at Weber Road
8:30 AM Payroll, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:15 AM Greg Parker, Noble County Council on Aging - 4th Quarter Voucher Approval
10:30 AM Judy Fox - Food Establishment Ordinance & LEPC Purchase over $500
11:00 AM Anthony & John Glaub, 1st Secured Benefits - Single-Point Billing re: Insurance
1:30 PM Drainage Board
Noble County Courthouse - 101N Orange St. - Albion, IN 46701
The current Noble County site is available here: