Commissioners' Meeting Agenda

Monday, October 17th, 2011
8:30 AM Payroll, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:30 AM Unsafe Building Ordinance Public Hearing
8:30 AM Payroll, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:30 AM Unsafe Building Ordinance Public Hearing
8:30 AM Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:00 AM Council on Aging - Grant Voucher
10:30 AM Steve Hook, GIS Coordinator - GIS Professional Services Authorization to Proceed
1:30 PM Drainage Board
8:30 AM Drainage Board
9:00 AM Payroll, Claims, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:00 AM Shelly Hanson, Wells Fargo - Insurance Discussion
11:00 AM Albion Plan Commission Appointment
11:30 AM GIS Technical Service Contract for Jonathan Mitchell
2:00 PM Executive Session at Highway Department
8:00 AM Executive Session
9:00 AM SRI - Homestead Contract; Amendment to SRI Contract
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:30 AM Claims, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business- Dick Adair, Building Inspector, Code Effectiveness Classifications
1:30 PM Drainage Board
8:30 AM Payroll, Correspondence, Minutes, Items Pending, New Business
9:00 AM Jackie Knafel & Sheri Auld - Tax Sale Certificates
9:15 AM Jackie Knafel - Voting Locations
9:30 AM Highway Business
10:30 AM LEPC Purchase Over $500
11:00 AM Bobbie Nix & Judy Weisenburger - Enforcement of Building & Junk Ordinances
Noble County Courthouse - 101N Orange St. - Albion, IN 46701
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