Noble County Assessor
Ben Castle
Assessor's Notice - Residential Rental Information
Main Office - Noble County Annex
109 N York St
Albion, IN 46701
Telephone Number: 260-636-2297
Fax Number: 260-636-3538
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM thru 4:00 PM
Personal Property
Unlike Real Estate assessments, Personal Property is a self-assessment system. The taxpayer is responsible for reporting all tangible personal property that is used in their trade or business, used for the production of income, or held as an investment that should be or is subject to depreciation for federal income tax purposes.
Per IC 6-1.1-2-1.5, the assessment date for Personal Property is January 1st beginning in 2016 and the filing is due May 15th each year. Amended returns are allowed within twelve months from the date of original return. Only timely filed original returns can be amended per IC 6-1.1-3-7.5.
Personal Property forms can be obtained from the Noble County Assessors office or at :